Meet Susie

Founder, CEO and Life Transition Coach

Have you ever felt like you've spent most of your life trying to make everyone else happy, while your own dreams and desires took a backseat? I totally get it, because that's been my journey too.

When I was growing up, I was taught to be seen but not heard. And as I transitioned into adulthood, I found myself constantly accommodating others, with only occasional moments to do something for myself.

I dedicated a whopping 30 years to the corporate world, working as a legal administrative assistant. I poured my heart and soul into it, hoping it would bring me success and fulfillment. But you know what? Not once did I say, "I love my job," or feel like I had a true purpose.

On top of my demanding job, I was also the primary caregiver for my parents. The guilt I felt for wanting to live my own life was relentless. I lost count of how many times I said, "That's it, I'm cutting the apron strings!" But as I grappled with anger and dove into depression, I found myself in a one-sided relationship, believing that something was better than nothing. Looking back, it was probably a mix of blind love and plain old stupidity!

Waking up each day with a sense of dread and tears in my eyes, I knew I had to make a change. Self-help books weren't cutting it for me, so I decided to invest in a weeklong personal growth course. That's when the lightbulb started to flicker on.

It wasn't an overnight transformation, but I started to rebuild my values, morals, and self-worth. Yet, I still couldn't figure out why I wasn't getting ahead in my career or why I felt so down to my true calling. I signed up to learn, grow, and become the person I am today.

In 2014, I finally took the plunge and left the corporate world behind to pursue my passion for coaching.

I got certified and started helping others, but old doubts and fears crept in. I almost gave up, blaming my dislike for "sales" and "networking."

Then, COVID-19 happened. While it was a curse for many, it turned out to be a blessing for me. I knew I had to leave my job and find a way to care for my declining father full-time. I was packaged out, and I'm so grateful for it. During those years, I gained a newfound appreciation for caregivers and cherished the priceless memories I made with my dad.

As a daughter taking care of her parents, there's no paycheck, at least not in Canada. So, I had to figure out a way to make some extra money. I've always loved fashion, so I started a direct selling business from home. Unfortunately, it wasn't the right fit for me.

One day, as I was scrolling through social media, I stumbled upon a free seminar by Bob Proctor. After a week of saying, "OMG" and "Yes, I want more," I found myself drawn back to coaching. It felt like returning home to my true calling. I signed up to learn, grow, and become the person I am today.

I absolutely love coaching and helping women recognize their worth. I'm all about seeing them spread their wings, grow, and become the incredible souls they're meant to be. It's about living authentically and staying true to ourselves, armed with a healthy and strong mindset.

As women, we're natural nurturers, but we often forget to take care of ourselves. I've seen so many women lose themselves in the daily grind. But guess what? Now is the time to give yourself permission to love yourself first, pursue your passions, and go after your dreams—without any apologies. Why? Because you are worth it!

My mission is crystal clear: to help all women embrace self-love, live authentically, and believe in themselves wholeheartedly. If you're ready for more in your life, just click below, and let's start a conversation.

First Discover Your Possibilities Session free.

The only time we have is NOW, your FUTURE depends on it.

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